

Britain Has No Borders

It’s a bloody disgrace, an outright betrayal of the British people. The latest figures from the Home Office are nothing short of an admission of failure, a White flag waved high over the cliffs of Dover. Over 97% of the invaders who’ve illegally crossed the Channel in small boats over the last six and a half years are still here, living off our land, our resources, our hospitality. Out of 127,834 invaders, only a pathetic 3,788 have been shown the door or left of their own volition.

Let’s call it what it is: an invasion. And not the kind where you see the enemy coming; no, this is far more insidious. These are not just statistics; they are the vanguard of a cultural and demographic shift, orchestrated under our very noses by a government too weak and complicit to act.

Look at the top nationalities flooding into our homeland: Iranians, Afghans, Iraqis, Albanians, Syrians. Do these sound like people fleeing for their lives, or rather, economic migrants seeking to exploit our weak and open borders? This isn’t about refuge; it’s about replacement.

I’ve been saying it for years, and now the numbers back me up. Our so-called leaders have allowed Britain to become a dumping ground for third worlders. They’ve turned our once-great nation into a global charity, with no regard for the natives who watch their communities change, their values erode, and their future darken right in front of their faces whilst simultaneously being told to embrace diversity. It’s criminal.

Every single one of these illegal entrants is a slap in the face to every hardworking Briton who’s played by the rules, paid their taxes, and respected our laws. And what does our government do? They roll out the red carpet, house them, feed them, and even apologise for not doing enough for the ungrateful invaders.

This isn’t immigration. This is an invasion by another name. We’re losing our country, not through the barrage of cannons, but through the silence of complacency and the treachery of those sworn to protect us. It’s high time for action, not words. We need to reclaim our borders, enforce our laws, and deport millions.

It’s important to note that this is just the boat arrivals. Other routes and the legals are a far more serious and pressing issue.


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