Britain First Approved As A Registered Political Party

The Britain First application to be a political party has been approved by the electoral commission.

Britain First can now contest in elections and stand candidates all over the country, just as any other political party can.

It has taken them nine separate applications over a period of four years to finally get accepted by the electoral commission.

Britain First have been eagerly awaiting the result of this application and are delighted to be able to announce that they can now field candidates.

Paul Golding, leader of Britain First said:

“This is stupendous news for the Britain First movement. We have fought long and hard against unbelievable corruption and leftist bias to get to this point.

Britain First can now build an election-winning machine capable of taking on the treacherous Old-Gang parties.

Local council elections take place on Thursday 5th May 2022, and now we can begin the work of building the electoral arm of our party.

Personally, I am ecstatic that we have finally defeated the Electoral Commission.

But as leader, I know this victory really belongs to the thousands of donors who chipped in, so we could launch legal attack after attack.”

Britain First have stated on their website that the street activism will continue as usual,, but they will also fight battles through the ballot box.

Britain First being approved by the electoral commission is bound to stir up some anger among leftists and globalists. However, I see the news as a good thing. It’s another alternative voice being granted the opportunity to field candidates.

Only time will tell how successful they will be when they inevitably stand candidates.


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