For those of you who don’t know about ‘Voice Of Wales’ they are Stan & Dan from Wales who cover the events and stories the mainstream media refuse too. They used to go by the banner of ‘Leavers Of Swansea’ but have now re branded themselves to be more inclusive to everyone and aim to be the voice of Wales. 

Stan and Dan work tirelessly exposing the illegal situation at Penally as well as the Marxist agenda being forced down everyone’s throats.

They receive a massive amount of support online and their videos are seen by thousands. I reached out to the lads to find out a little more about them as I’ve been following their work for a little while now and to me its top quality. They really are a voice for many. 

So the first question I wanted to ask Stan and Dan was an obvious and simple question… 

What made you two start Voice of Wales? 

“We started as street activists as the Leavers of Swansea, campaigning to ensure we held our MPs to account over Brexit holding many successful demos. After Brexit we started challenging local issues then along came BLM. Swansea’s Labour Comrades in our Council decided to audit all street names, statues, monuments with any links to slavery. We challenged the council and started spreading awareness which led to us being branded ‘Vile Racist Bigots’ by the council in an online, public meeting. We took this to the Councils Comrades in Wales online who completely flipped to story to agree with the council. Wales Online are completely Left Wing/ Hard left bias so we decided there needs to be an alternative for Wales so we created The Voice of Wales.”

This led me on to ask what the locals thought and whether they received much support so I asked… 

Do you get much support, and what do the locals think? 

“Yes, whenever we are out recording people always ask us what we are up to, they always agree with us on every point and wish us well. Recently though we have actually had people stop us in supermarkets, parks etc to shake our hand. It’s really humbling actually.”

I’ve been watching the Voice of Wales Channel for a while now and they’ve had some amazing guests on the show such as Katie Hopkins, Anne Marie, Neil Hamilton and many more which led me to ask my next question. 

You guys have some great guests, who would be your ideal guest and why? 

We would love to get to speak to Ezra Levant, we are having a lot of trouble with local police forces abusing power, throwing fines out, intimidating, knocking our doors etc despite having authorisation to travel and work as journalists in Tier 4 lockdown. I’ve followed Rebel news for a very long time and lover their journalistic style.  

Recently the Voice of Wales lads have been harassed by the local police simply for highlighting social injustices and exposing the truth. The Welsh police have been over aggressive and draconian since lockdown measures have been implicated. They have the right to travel as independent journalist yet the police never seem to give them the same fair treatment as they do with the mainstream media. 

Since they’ve become a voice for Wales I wanted to know how they felt about the upcoming Welsh elections. So my next question was… 

Who will you vote for at the next elections? 

“Our next election is the Welsh Senedd Election run by Labour comrades. The only party who will tackle all the issues that has been pushed through behind closed doors with no vote and un mandated, for example, 16 year olds getting the vote, non-citizens getting the vote, prisoner’s getting the vote, becoming a nation of sanctuary and an RSE curriculum that teaches masturbation in schools age 0-4 then bondage, anal and facial ejaculation age 11 and up. That Party is UKIP.”

Would you stand yourselves? 

“Defiantly, people need to put themselves out there.”

What’s your upcoming plans? 

“Grow Voice of Wales and travel out of Wales to cover more stories and continue to grow our guest list on our live streams every Tuesday & Thursday. Also, campaigning for the Senedd Elections.”

Since Immigration is an issue that I cover daily and one that I see as Britain’s biggest concern, I always like to ask people what their personal views are. So, I asked Dan and Stan to see what they thought on the matter.

What’s your views on immigration? 

“A strong immigration system where we can pick who we need is important but it has to be strong and there has to be a need. What we are seeing with these undocumented migrants entering illegally is shocking, dangerous and defiantly not in the best interests of the British people.”   

These guys have received a lot of harassment from various far left radical groups such as Antifa and pro refugee groups. Which led me to ask my next question… 

You get a lot of hassle of Antifa and trolls, does it bother you at all? 

“It’s never ending, Wales Antifa is a whole different beast. Its run and supported by our media, councils and government. Anyone speaks out of line then the mob seek to crush you, they dox your address, send death threats, rape threats etc, all online, never to you face unless we are outnumbered 10 to 1. Does it bother us? Not at all, it fuels us, it makes us stronger and more determined. They are our biggest asset and we actually make some money off their ‘memes’ they are on t-shirts and selling well.” 

Just before we finished this interview, I thought I’d ask if they would like to add anything. 

Before we finish up do you have anything you wish to share or add to this discussion?  

“Firstly, we must say thank you to our supporters, we have our regulars every live and more and more joining all the time, if it wasn’t for everyone who shared our videos we wouldn’t be where we are today. We at Voice of Wales are looking to grow our channel asap so we can get the important information we are fed out, to the masses. We take daily abuse from all sides but we are more than happy to continue to take this abuse in the name of truth and morals. We know we are on the right side of history and want to be your voice. Help us become more than the Voice of Wales! Help us become the Voice of Britain.”

 You can follow Stan and Dan’s journey on YouTube and Twitter 



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I’m still learning my trade but I’m passionate about honest, first hand reporting. It takes a lot of time to gather genuine news, photos, videos and interviews on my own. Please support me so I can continue to produce more great content. Consider sponsoring me today.