Extra Jail Time For Women Who Call Transgender Prisoners He Or Him 


Women prisoners who call transgender inmates by the wrong pronouns could face extra time in jail under new equality rules, says a justice minister.

Under ridiculous equality rules put in place, offenders who use terms deemed ‘threatening, abusive or insulting’ could potentially have additional days added to their sentence.

Female inmates who deliberately call a transgender woman ‘he’ or ‘him’ could be punished under the rules that prevents inmates from using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour’

The punishment will be decided by an independent adjudicator, a visiting judge, who has the power to impose additional days if they feel it merits such a punishment.

Early this year, the High Court rejected a legal challenge to prevent transgender inmates with criminal convictions for sexual or violent offences against women being imprisoned alongside other women.

That’s right, it was rejected, and the courts ruled to lock men up with women in a prison.

There were roughly 11 transgender women who were still ‘legally’ male detained in women’s prisons in the UK since 2019.

Lord Wolfson, the justice minister, said:

“Incidents where a prisoner uses incorrect pronouns for another prisoner will be considered on a case-by-case basis, in line with the prisoner discipline procedures policy and the prison rules”.

He went on to add:

“If an officer deems it appropriate to place a prisoner on report, the rule against ‘using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour’ — Prison Rule 51(20) — may apply. The adjudicator will weigh each incident on its own merits”.

Official guidelines state that disciplinary cases are normally heard by a prison governor, and are only referred to an Independent Adjudicator where there is the possibility of days being added on to the sentence — which is the most severe punishment available.

A prisoner who identifies as the opposite sex but does not have a GRC will initially go to a prison for their old, legally-recognised gender, but may later move after an assessment of their case.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman was a sled about whether this was the right move, his response was:

“We are required under the provisions of the Equality Act to prevent discrimination against people with protected characteristics.”

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