Head Of German Labour Office Wants 400,000 Immigrants A Year
Detlef Scheele, head of the German Labor Office, has openly talked about ‘targeted immigration’ to cover gaps in the German labour force.
Completely disregarding the evidence that Germany’s existing immigrant population are poorly integrated and costs the state billions in taxpayers’ money, Detlef Scheele claims that Germany needs around 400,000 immigrants a year to have a sufficient workforce.
Detlef Scheele, in an interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, defended his argument by saying he was talking about ‘targeted immigration’ to cover gaps in the labour market, not about granting asylum to ‘refugees’. He said:
“From nursing services to air conditioning technicians to logistics and academics — there will be a shortage of manpower everywhere… We can stand up and say we don’t want any foreigners, but it doesn’t work… The fact is that Germany is running out of labour”.
Scheele’s idea that 400,000 immigrants can head to Germany every year and save the economy is most definitely not considering all the potential factors that need careful consideration. For example, the German government’s very own statistics show that an overwhelming majority of the immigrants already in the country are not entering into work.
The burden of taking on such a large number of immigrants, will include overcrowded hospitals, increased demands for housing and rental prices will rise for Germans, increased crime, and expensive terrorist investigations that have exhausted Germany’s security services. For example, in Berlin, half of all rape suspects are immigrants, making it apparent that the costs of immigration is not only financial. It is a matter of public safety, and inviting 400,000 people a year into a nation will cause civil unrest.
The German government is spending billions to integrate the immigrants already in their country. In 2018, the German government spent a €23 billion on immigrants, including rent subsidies, unemployment benefits, language lessons and other needed benefits.
The German Federal Statistical Office announced in March that 11.4 million foreigners lived in Germany at the end of last year. Year-on-year, their numbers have increased by 204,000.
Germany is not the only country facing these serious issues. Norway has reported that the majority of its illegal immigrants may never be self-sufficient, with only half working. That’s despite the country spending over €6 billion on ‘workforce integration’.
Sweden also reported similar problems, pointing out that the number of foreigners living on benefits has risen dramatically and that many of them may never become productive members of society.
Sweden, once one of the most welcoming countries in Europe to illegal immigrants, now has warned against accepting Afghans, pointing out in a report that only one-third of the Syrians in the country are self-sufficient, with many of them costing the nation billions, and they fear the Afghans will follow suit.
Austria has had huge problems with integration, including a massive surge in crime from the immigrant community and many of the households not speaking German. Austrian leader, Sebastian Kurz, has rejected the notion that his country will receive any more Afghan immigrants.
Hungary, unlike the German approach has taken on a programme to bolster up its labour market by promoting large families through government incentives. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in 2018:
“In all of Europe there are fewer and fewer children, and the answer of the West to this is migration. They want as many migrants to enter so that the numbers will add up. We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
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