The Home Office have revealed they are currently housing over 60,000 illegal immigrants. They are in various hotels, barracks and immigration detention centres throughout the UK.

The majority of those being accommodated are all young men between 20-30 years of age.

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Every single illegal immigrant is costing the taxpayer between £4,225 and £7,820 a year through use of services such as health, education and benefits.

In 2013 the government estimated that illegal immigration was costing the NHS £330 million per year. Estimated to have a long term cost of £1.6 Billion a year.

77% of the public see illegal immigration as a problem, which raises the question as to why nothing is actively being done to stop this.

Ministers say they do not know the true scale of illegal immigration. Former Home Office staff have hinted that at least a million live here already.

Source: Migration Watch