
An illegal immigrant was caught with flammable liquids and knives in his taxpayer-funded hotel room.

An illegal immigrant currently being housed at the Greenock Hotel in Scotland has been caught with knivs and flammable liquids. It is understood that the items were removed from the man as soon as they were discovered by security.

According to the Greenock Telegraph, Mears, the company contracted to oversee the hotel whilst it is housing fighting-age illegal immigrants, refused to answer any questions on the matter.

Mears was repeatedly asked to specifically state exactly what type of flammable liquids and knives were being kept in the hotel room but they refused to provide any details.

They also declined to provide any information as to whether the illegal immigrant was arrested or whether any further action was taken to ensure public safety.

The Greenock Holiday Inn Express is currently housing over 50 illegal immigrants and there are plans in place to expand the number living there to over 70.

Inverclyde Council and Police Scotland declined to comment on the discovery of flammable liquids and knives being found in an illegal immigrant taxpayer-funded hotel room.

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