This year over 3,000 illegal immigrants have arrived by boat (dinghies).
The number of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel in dinghies is growing rapidly, yet there is absolutely no deterrent in place. Once they reach UK soil, they will almost certainly be granted asylum.
The problem we face now is that the word has spread about our government’s leniency to the rest of the world. It appears the UK is now the main target destination for many illegal immigrants.
Yesterday, 191 illegal immigrants arrived by dinghy and were all collected by Border Force (bar 10, who landed on a beach in Dungeness).
Some more footage from yesterday 13/5/21 where we had 181 migrants cross the channel from France, these numbers bring the total this year to approx 3,097 this includes confirmed numbers from various beach landings on the Dover coastline.
— XxTWxX (@Traxxtra) May 14, 2021
The Home Office appears to be releasing different figures to mine and I find this inexplicable, due to the fact I am standing there every day and counting every single arrival. I could understand the discrepancies if their figures were higher (as some illegals may have arrived in a different location to where I am documenting), however when the figures are lower it raises some alarm bells.
Last year roughly 8,500 illegal immigrants arrived by small boat (dinghies), that we know of.
Up to the 14th of May this year, we’ve already had 3,097 illegal arrivals by boat, that we factually know of. I predict that roughly 20,000 illegal immigrants (in dinghies) will arrive by the end of the year.
With the number of arrivals so large in the ‘rough weather’ season, it will be unfathomable how many will make this crossing through the summer.
There have been roughly 140 dinghies that have crossed the Channel this year, which highlights how easy this journey is to complete. It happens daily, all assisted by the Border Force and the French navy.
Same old story everyday
— Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) May 13, 2021
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