Napier Barracks To House Illegals For Another 5 Years
Napier Barracks, the ex-military site in Folkestone, will be used for another 5 years to house illegal immigrants.
Folkestone and Hythe Council aren’t happy about this decision made by the Home Office. The council have not had any role in the decision-making of the site and are often informed of the decisions last minute.
Folkestone and Hythe Council have not changed their initial view that Napier Barracks is not the right place to house the illegal immigrants.
The council along with many outraged locals have found this news very disappointing and not what they had been hoping to hear from the government. Many people who live locally are concerned that Folkestone could have dangerous people roaming their town.
Napier Barracks hasn’t been short of controversy, some of the previous illegals who were residents of the site burned down one of the buildings.
There have been numerous reports of illegals who have been housed at the site and free to roam the town causing a nuisance loitering in children’s parks and generally being anti-social despite what the local media report.
One illegal immigrant housed at the site was charged with rape, which the Daily Mail reported on, unfortunately that’s not the only case similar to that.
With the news that this site will be used for another 5 years, it is yet again another clear sign that the illegal immigration will continue for many years to come. Like usual Priti Patel claims to be tough on illegal immigration yet consistently her actions show the direct opposite.
The Napier Barracks site is currently home to just over 200 people who have entered the nation illegally.
Roughly 12,000 illegals arrived by dinghy this year after crossing the Channel from France and Belgium to the south coast of England.

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