
Written by: Liam T

Opinion piece:

Upon hearing the news that five people drowned in the freezing Channel, I felt no emotion whatsoever. The thought of a sinking inflatable dinghy, packed full of young men sinking into the dark and icy waters should, for most people, be one of horror. Yet, I simply shrugged my shoulders and carried on with my day.

Is that a sign that I am a sociopath? Some would argue that I was – nothing more than a heartless brute with no compassion or consideration, reveling in the demise of innocent lives lost.

I would beg to differ.

Consider the phrase “An Englishman’s home is his Castle” for a second. For many of us, we take care of our homes – after all, it’s your sanctuary. It’s much more than a place to live; it’s where your heart is, where you make memories and shelter your young ones from the horrors that take place beyond its four walls.

Your home is your last line of defense, so much so that you make every effort to lock your windows and doors at night, because unfortunately, there are those with ill intent who would stop at nothing to rob you blind or hurt your loved ones given half a chance. These enemies walk amongst us, opportunistic thieves and violent gangs, for example, now hold many towns and cities up and down the land to ransom.

Many of these enemies are in receipt of state benefits and bleed you dry daily. You are hit in the pocket relentlessly, whether that be through direct taxation on your hard graft, or when you pay to heat your homes or put food on your family’s plates. You are treated as a second-class citizen in your own land – told to just accept it and carry on.

We have seen our towns and cities change for the worse since the first boats started floating across the channel some five years ago. Whether that be the ever-increasing costs to feed, clothe and house these illegal arrivals in hotels, we have been subjected to assaults, muggings, rapes, and even murder – and we pay through the nose for this “cultural enrichment”.

We are the last in line to see a doctor or a dentist, pushed down the waiting lists for school places and indeed both social housing and private rented accommodation.

These illegal invaders bring nothing to the table whatsoever with regard to any benefits – just the ones that they take. We are a small island with our own problems and our own enemies to deal with – importing more from France (a safe country) is like building our own funeral pyre in the back garden and watching it burn.

These people mean us harm, make no mistake; you only need to watch the TikTok videos they make whilst on board these boats or when they are given a hotel room to prove my point.

It does not make you racist to want to protect your borders, in much the same way you lock your home before you go to sleep at night to keep enemies out. Unfortunately, the UK’s front door is wide open and has been for too long – it’s the equivalent of waking up every morning and finding your house trashed and your valuables stolen.

So when I heard this morning’s news that five drowned attempting to break into my home, I just carried on as usual, rather than a mournful sorrow. I won’t shed a tear for those who mean me or my family harm.

Does that make me a sociopath? If so, I simply don’t care.

You can follow Liam T on YouTube 

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