This year, over 20,000 illegal immigrants have arrived by boat, all assisted by the Border Force, RNLI and the Royal Navy.
Yesterday (August 13th), 607 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. Which is the second highest figure for this month. On August 1st 696 illegal immigrants were ferried into the port of Ramsgate.
This year the number of illegals that have arrived by boat is 20,017 with more being ferried in by the Border Force today.
At this point last year the figure was almost half that of today at 11,300. I suspect last year’s total will be passed by mid-September.
I’ve frequently raised the point that August and September will be the busiest months and unfortunately, that seems to be the case.
There have been a staggering 3,618 that have arrived by boat this month already and we’re only 14 days into it. 1,694 have arrived in the last week alone and over 1,000 in the last two days.
With the TikTok traffickers (which I exposed a few months ago) offering ‘summer specials’ and discounted trips, the number of arrivals is sure to climb rapidly. We’re already almost double the figure of last year and that doesn’t appear to be in a position of slowing down.
The highest recorded figure for one day of boat arrivals was 1,185 on November 11th 2021 and I suspect by September that ‘record’ will be broken.
The number of illegal immigrants arriving is already higher than that of Spain which has had just over 18,000 arrive by boat. However, the difference between the UK and Spain is the fact that once these illegals get here, they have no intention of moving on as they do with Spain.
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