Taxpayer-Funded Refugee Loan
06/07/2023 The Refugee Integration Loan program aims to provide financial assistance to individuals claiming refugee status in Britain. This program offers loans to cover expenses such as rent, household items, [...]
06/07/2023 The Refugee Integration Loan program aims to provide financial assistance to individuals claiming refugee status in Britain. This program offers loans to cover expenses such as rent, household items, [...]
28.06.2022 The popular decision to send illegal immigrants to Rwanda is to be dragged back through the courts on July 19th. Care4Calais the so-called charity along with the Trade Union [...]
16.06.2022 The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities have refused to release information under a freedom of information request. On the 16th of May, I put in a freedom [...]
19.05.2022 ‘House a Ukrainian refugee’ has been promoted by the government and various charities for months now. What they haven’t told you is, that this system is being exploited by [...]
Open border Tories are yet again attempting to hide the truth about illegal immigration from the public. 10/02/2022 Our so-called Conservative government are attempting to hide the scale of the [...]
Halifax Hotel Tell Guests To Leave To Move 'Refugees' In The Very Next Day 03/01/2022 The Wool Merchant Hotel in Halifax asked guests to leave to move 'refugees' in the [...]